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HLMmedia presents BOSSCHICKSRULE: Q&A series conducted by BossChick Raine featuring BLAY

Artist: BLAY

Q: How long have you been an artist? and when do you feel like you started taking your craft seriously?
A: I’ve been an artist for about 2-3 years now . I feel like I started taking my craft seriously, when I did my first video and my first couple of performances.
Q: Who are some of the other artists or people that inspire you? Whether they are peers or otherwise?
A: Right now inspirations for me are, Maury Haze & Maiya the Don.
Q: What are your goals as an artist? How far do you want to take your craft?
A: My goal as an artist is to make music for the girls and to make music that women can relate to. I wanna stay true to myself and I hope to make it big one day.
Q: How often do you record? or create? Do you rap or create daily?
A: I write everyday. I don’t record, I’m trying to get back into recording more.
Q: What are some obstacles that you have faced on your musical journey? And do you ever feel like giving up?
A: I always feel like giving up. I feel like there are artists who’s raps are so simple and yet they make it big. But I stress my brain writing my bars from my own head and I be trying to make metaphors and verses that make sense, and I don’t get a bunch of views like some of them do.
Q: Who are some of your dream collabs?
A: Dream collabs: Rico love, Nicki Minaj , Maiya The Don, Lola Brooke & Future.
Q: What message are you trying to send to the world, through your music?
A:  The message I wanna send to the world with my music, is to be yourself and stand on everything you represent.
Q: Do you have a project that you are working on?
A: I’m working on music right now with artist, Maury Haze.
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