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HLMmedia presents BOSSCHICKSRULE: Q&A series conducted by BossChick Raine featuring Molly

Q: How long have you been an artist? And when do you feel you started taking your craft seriously?
A: I’ve Been Rapping Ever Since I Was 13 yrs old. I grew up Around My Stepfather who was also a rapper and producer, he taught me a lot.  But I started taking it seriously at the age of 17  and I am still going till this day. I love it!

Q: Who are some of the other artists or people that inspire you? Whether they are peers or otherwise?
A: My Stepfather definitely and my favorite rapper, Lil Wayne.

Q: What are your goals as an artist? How far do you want to take your craft?
A: My goal as an artist is to continue to expand and grow. I want to be the next to do it and I will!

Q: How often do you record? or create? Do you rap or create daily?
A: I write everyday even if it’s just to put down what comes to my head. I always write, so when I do get in the        studio to record, I’m knocking out a few tracks at a time .

Q: What are some obstacles you have faced on your musical journey? And do you ever feel like giving up?
A: I have faced a few obstacles in my music journey, one being, having to leave people behind, especially those you started with. And now it’s like you are starting over and it kinda discourages you a lil bit, but I learned that I’m doing this for me and mine. And I really love what I do and I can’t stop now.  I came too far.  So yes, I do feel like giving up sometimes, but I never will! I was made for this!

Q: Who are some of your dream collabs?
A: Lil Wayne of course , Nicki of course. Lil Kim , Queen Latifah & Jadakiss.

Q: What message are you trying to send to the world through your music?
A: I just want people to hear my story and know what I went through and I know there are so many others that can relate. I wanna show people, how putting ya all can get you exactly where u need to be and want to be!

Q: Do you have a project that you are working on?
A: Yes I’m working on my mixtape and Album.  I’m not yet sure what I’ma name it.  I have so many choices… I’m just so undecided lol But it’s coming and I’m putting my all!

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