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HLMmedia Presents BOSSCHICKS RULE: Q&A conducted by BossChick Raine ft Che Carter

Artist: Che Carter

Q: How long have you been an artist? And when did you feel you started taking your craft seriously?

A: I’ve honestly been involved music my entire life, as far as words to music and actually venturing out and taking it seriously, I’d say 2017.

Q: Who are some of the other artists or people that inspire you? Whether they are peers or otherwise?

A: Every artist that came before me is an inspiration, even the ones that come after me. Battle rappers, indie artists, mainstream artists, ghost writers.. we all got one thing in common and that’s music , and that alone is an inspiration. People from all walks of life and we all got the same one thing in common.. that’s super dope to me, and it keeps me from throwing my pen away.

Q: What are your goals as an artist? How far do you want to take your craft?

A: I used to want to make it big, lights camera action big, but now I kinda have taken a step back from wanting to be mainstream and now I kinda just want to create a vibe. I don’t care too much about the fame anymore. I’m not opposed to it, but it’s not my goal anymore. I want to walk in the room and everyone knows me as the girl with the fire bars.

Q: How often do you record? or create? Do you rap or create daily?

A: Well life be lifing! So I record when time permits me to… I write often but I don’t write as often as I should. Sometimes I can write a song or some heat in a few hours, sometimes it can take days. It’s times that I will write a few bars, sometimes even one, and then my mind just decides to turn off. But I do try to create as often as possible.

Q: What are some obstacles you have faced on your musical journey? And do you ever feel like giving up?

A: My biggest challenge is feeling like I’m not good enough or my talent being overlooked. I know I’m probably gonna always wanna grab a mic n go to work, but I think I lack of recognition from the people and sometimes it makes me wanna throw the towel in. .. oh , and writers block…

Q: Who are some of your dream collabs?

A: Ye.. Ye all day .. but tbh, anyone who sees my talent and wants to work with me.

Q: What message are you trying to send to the world through your music?

A: It’s way better to take your anger out on the mic than on a person….spend time in the studio and not jail!

Q: Do you have a project that you are working on?

A: Currently I am revamping myself as an artist and I do have some things up my sleeve! But yall gotta tap in, stay up with me, I got a lot of surprises for 2024.

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