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My Friends Are Better Than Yours: A Conversation With Special Ed

Big Ced Interviews Special Ed

You knew him as the youngest in charge! Legendary Hip-Hop artist, Special Ed is still around and doing his thing! I got a chance to speak to the Brooklyn-bred artist to discuss what he has been up to lately. He is still performing and traveling the world as the hip-hop audience still gets a kick out of seeing and hearing his catalog of hits.

I have to apologize to Ed as we filmed this back in March and I slipped in getting it up sooner. He just performed at Radio City Music Hall in New York City with a bevy of other rappers with DJ Cassidy and his “Pass the Mic!” series.

As we continue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of hip-hop, you can catch Special Ed anywhere in the United States performing. Although he has been hitting stages over the years, he is still “The Magnificent!”

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